
Notre monde exige que l’on résolve des problèmes d’une complication infinie dans un délai infiniment court. Paul Valéry, Lettre sur la société des esprits, 1933.

selected funded projects

  • co-PI of the ANR project VITE (2024-2028): Variable Importance Tests
  • participant of the ANR project BACKUP (2023-2027)
  • participant of the AI4scMed consortium (2023-2027) funded by PEPR Santé Numérique: multiscale AI for single-cell based precision medicine
  • co-PI of the ANR project CORNFLEX (2023-2027): Computational Design of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: Application to Flexible Linkers
  • PI of the CNRS 80’ project DDisc (2021-2024): Double-dipping in single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis
  • PI of the ANR project SansSouci (2016-2020): Post-hoc approaches to large-scale multiple testing
  • PI of the CNRS MITI project SCALES (2017-2019): Multi-scale and data-driven statistical inference for genomic data

current PhD students and postdocs

past PhD students and postdocs

upcoming and recent conferences