Notre monde exige que l’on résolve des problèmes d’une complication infinie dans un délai infiniment court. Paul Valéry, Lettre sur la société des esprits, 1933.
selected funded projects
- co-PI of the ANR project VITE (2024-2028): Variable Importance Tests
- participant of the ANR project BACKUP (2023-2027)
- participant of the AI4scMed consortium (2023-2027) funded by PEPR Santé Numérique: multiscale AI for single-cell based precision medicine
- co-PI of the ANR project CORNFLEX (2023-2027): Computational Design of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: Application to Flexible Linkers
- PI of the CNRS 80’ project DDisc (2021-2024): Double-dipping in single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis
- PI of the ANR project SansSouci (2016-2020): Post-hoc approaches to large-scale multiple testing
- PI of the CNRS MITI project SCALES (2017-2019): Multi-scale and data-driven statistical inference for genomic data
current PhD students and postdocs
- Sara Fallet: PhD student 2024-2027, Gene set differential analysis of multi-sample scRNA-seq data. With Boris Hejblum. Funded by PEPR Santé Numérique AI4scMed.
- Angel Reyero Lobo: PhD student 2024-2027, Statistical inference for variable importance in high-dimensional and highly correlated settings. With Bertrand Thirion. Funded by ANR VITE.
- Simon Bartels: postdoc 2023-2025, funded by ANR CORNFLEX (with J. Cortés and F. Bachoc)
- Elise Jorge: PhD student 2023-2026, Comparative analysis of 3D genomics data. With Sylvain Foissac and Nathalie Vialaneix. Funded by Inrae.
past PhD students and postdocs
- Nicolas Enjalbert-Courrech: PhD student 2021-2024, Post-clustering inference for single-cell RNA sequencing data. With Cathy Maugis-Rabusseau. Funded by CNRS MITI 80’ project DDisc. Currently ATER (lecturer) at Université Paul Sabatier.
- Alexandre Blain: PhD student 2021-2024, Reliable statistical inference: controlling the false discovery proportion in high-dimensional multivariate estimators. With Bertrand Thirion. Funded by UDOPIA (Paris Saclay).
- Javier González Delgado: PhD student 2020-2023, Statistical models and methods for the structural analysis of intrinsically disordered proteins. With Juan Cortés (LAAS). Funded by Labex CIMI. Currently postdoc at Mc Gill University (Canada). Prix de thèse Jacques Neveu 2023 awarded by SMAI, groupe MAS
- Samuel Davenport: postdoc 2021, funded by ANR SansSouci (with B. Thirion). Currently postdoc at UC San Diego (USA).
- Nathanaël Randriamihamison: PhD student 2018-2021: Adjacency-constrained hierarchical agglomerative clustering with application to Hi-C studies. With Nathalie Vialaneix and Marie Chavent. Funded by INRA/Inria. Currently high-school math teacher.
- Marie Perrot-Dockès: postdoc 2019-2020, funded by ANR SansSouci (with G. Blanchard and E. Roquain). Currently Assistant professor at MAP5, Paris.
- Guillermo Durand: PhD student 2015-2018, Multiple testing and post hoc bounds for heterogeneous data. Co-supervised with Etienne Roquain. Funded by Université Paris 6. Currently Assistant professor at LMO, Orsay.
- Magali Champion: postdoc 2018, funded by ANR SansSouci. Currently Assistant professor at MAP5, Paris.
- Benjamin Sadacca: PhD student 2013-2017, Pharmacogenomic and high-throughput data analysis to overcome triple negative breast cancers drug resistance. Co-supervised with Fabien Reyal. Funded by Institut Curie.
- Morgane Pierre-Jean: PhD student 2013-2016, Development of statistical methods for DNA copy number analysis in cancerology. Funded by École doctorale GAO, University of Évry.
- Alia Dehman: PhD student 2012-2015, Spatial clustering of linkage disequilibrium blocks for genome-wide association studies. Co-supervised with Christophe Ambroise. Funded by École doctorale GAO, University of Évry.
upcoming and recent conferences
- Scientific committee (co-chair) of JOBIM 2024 (Toulouse, June 2024)
- Session “Post hoc FDP control” at Multiple Comparison Procedures 2021 and 2022 (Bremen, Aug 2022)
- Mathematical Methods of Modern Statistics 3
- Session “Post-selection inference: valid double-dipping in bioinformatics” at JOBIM 2021 (online)
- Session “Artificial Intelligence methods for protein modeling and design” at Statistical Methods for Post Genomic Data (SMPGD) 2021 (online)
- Session “Post-selection inference and multiple testing” at MCP 2019 (Taipei, December 2019)
- Chromosome conformation symposium (Toulouse, Dec 4-5, 2019)
- Organization committee and Scientific committee (co-chair) of useR!2019 (Toulouse, July 2019)
- Co-organizer of the workshop Post-selection inference and multiple testing: Toulouse, Feb 7-9, 2018.