
Preprints and submitted manuscripts

  1. Post-clustering Inference under Dependency
    Javier González-DelgadoJuan Cortés, and Pierre Neuvial
    Oct 2023
  2. Statistical tests to detect differences between codon-specific Ramachandran plots
    Javier González-Delgado, Pablo Mier, Pau BernadoPierre Neuvial, and Juan Cortés
    Oct 2022

Conference papers

  1. False Discovery Proportion control for aggregated Knockoffs
    Alexandre BlainBertrand Thirion, Olivier Grisel, and Pierre Neuvial
    In NeurIPS 2023,

Journal papers

  1. Selective inference after convex clustering with l1 penalization
    François BachocCathy Maugis-Rabusseau, and Pierre Neuvial
    ESAIM Probability and Statistics, 2025
    to appear
  2. FDP control in mass-univariate linear models using the residual bootstrap
    Samuel DavenportBertrand Thirion, and Pierre Neuvial
    Electron. J. Statist., 2025
  3. BIB
    A comprehensive review and benchmark of differential analysis tools for Hi-C data
    Élise Jorge, Sylvain FoissacPierre Neuvial, Matthias Zytnicki, and Nathalie Vialaneix
    Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2025
  4. Weighted families of contact maps to characterize conformational ensembles of (highly-)flexible proteins
    Javier González-Delgado, Pau Bernadó, Pierre Neuvial, and Juan Cortés
    Bioinformatics, Oct 2024
  5. A two-sample tree-based test for hierarchically organized genomic signals
    Pierre Neuvial, Nathanaël Randriamihamison, Marie Chavent, Sylvain Foissac, and Nathalie Vialaneix
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, Oct 2024
  6. Selective Inference for False Discovery Proportion in a Hidden Markov Model
    TEST, Oct 2023
  7. Two-sample goodness-of-fit tests on the flat torus based on Wasserstein distance and their relevance to structural biology
    Javier González-Delgado, Alberto González-Sanz, Juan Cortés, and Pierre Neuvial
    Electronic journal of Statistics, Oct 2023
  8. WASCO: A Wasserstein-based statistical tool to compare conformational ensembles of intrinsically disordered proteins
    Javier González-Delgado, Amin Sagar, Christophe Zanon, Kresten Lindorff-Larsen, Pau Bernadó, Pierre Neuvial, and Juan Cortés
    Journal of Molecular Biology, Oct 2023
  9. Statistical proofs of the interdependence between nearest neighbor effects on polypeptide backbone conformations
    Javier González-Delgado, Pau Bernadó, Pierre Neuvial, and Juan Cortés
    Journal of Structural Biology, Oct 2022
  10. Powerful and interpretable control of false discoveries in differential expression studies
    Nicolas Enjalbert-Courrech, and Pierre Neuvial
    Bioinformatics, Oct 2022
  11. Notip: Non-parametric True Discovery Proportion control for brain imaging
    Alexandre BlainBertrand Thirion, and Pierre Neuvial
    Neuroimage, Oct 2022
  12. Identification of Deregulated Mechanisms Specific to Bladder Cancer Subtypes
    Magali Champion, Julien ChiquetPierre Neuvial, Mohamed Elati, François Radvanyi, and Etienne E. Birmelé
    Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Oct 2021
  13. Applicability and Interpretability of Ward Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering With or Without Contiguity Constraints
    Nathanaël Randriamihamison, Nathalie Vialaneix, and Pierre Neuvial
    Journal of Classification, Oct 2021
  14. Post Hoc Confidence Bounds on False Positives Using Reference Families
    Gilles BlanchardPierre Neuvial, and Etienne Roquain
    Annals of Statistics, Oct 2020
  15. Single-Cell Virtual Cytometer allows user-friendly and versatile analysis and visualization of multimodal single cell RNAseq datasets
    Frédéric Pont, Marie Tosolini, Qing Gao, Marion Perrier,  Madrid-Mencía, Tse Shun Huang, Pierre Neuvial, Maha Ayyoub, Kristopher Nazor, and Jean-Jacques Fournié
    NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, Oct 2020
  16. Post hoc false positive control for structured hypotheses
    Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Dec 2020
  17. Adjacency-constrained hierarchical clustering of a band similarity matrix with application to Genomics
    Christophe Ambroise, Alia Dehman, Pierre Neuvial, Guillem Rigaill, and Nathalie Vialaneix
    Algorithms for molecular biology, Nov 2019
  18. On the post selection inference constant under restricted isometry properties
    François BachocGilles Blanchard, and Pierre Neuvial
    Electron. J. Statist., Nov 2018
  19. New insight for pharmacogenetics studies from the transcriptional analysis of two large-scale cancer cell line panels
    B. Sadacca, A.-S. Hamy-Petit, C. Laurent, P. Gestraud, H. Bonsang-Kitzis, A Pinheiro, J Abecassis, P Neuvial, and F. Reyal
    Scientific Reports, Nov 2017
  20. A model for gene deregulation detection using expression data
    Thomas Picchetti, Julien Chiquet, Mohamed Elati, Pierre Neuvial, Rémy Nicolle, and Etienne Birmelé
    BMC Systems Biology, Dec 2015
  21. tmle.npvi: targeted, integrative search of associations between DNA copy number and gene expression, accounting for DNA methylation
    Antoine Chambaz, and Pierre Neuvial
    Bioinformatics, Dec 2015
  22. Performance evaluation of DNA copy number segmentation methods
    Morgane Pierre-Jean, Guillem J Rigaill, and Pierre Neuvial
    Briefings in Bioinformatics, Dec 2015
  23. Performance of a Blockwise Approach in Variable Selection using Linkage Disequilibrium Information
    Alia Dehman, Christophe Ambroise, and Pierre Neuvial
    BMC Bioinformatics, Dec 2015
  24. Stability-based comparison of class discovery methods for array-CGH profiles
    Isabel Brito, Philippe Hupé, Pierre Neuvial, and Emmanuel Barillot
    PLoS One, Dec 2013
  25. Vers une médecine personnalisée grâce à la recherche en génomique
    Pierre Neuvial
    Variances, Oct 2013
  26. Asymptotic Results on Adaptive False Discovery Rate Controlling Procedures Based on Kernel Estimators
    Pierre Neuvial
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, Oct 2013
  27. On false discovery rate thresholding for classification under sparsity
    Pierre Neuvial, and E. Roquain
    Annals of Statistics, Oct 2012
  28. Estimation of a Non-Parametric Variable Importance Measure of a Continuous Exposure
    Antoine ChambazPierre Neuvial, and M. J. Laan
    Electron. J. Statist., Oct 2012
  29. CalMaTe: A Method and Software to Improve Allele-Specific Copy Number of SNP Arrays for Downstream Segmentation
    Maria Ortiz-Estevez, Ander Aramburu, Henrik BengtssonPierre Neuvial, and Angel Rubio
    Bioinformatics, Jul 2012
  30. More Power via Graph-Structured Tests for Differential Expression of Gene Networks
    Laurent JacobPierre Neuvial, and Sandrine Dudoit
    Annals of Applied Statistics, Jul 2012
  31. Subtype and pathway specific responses to anticancer compounds in breast cancer
    L.M. Heiser, A. Sadanandam, W.L. Kuo, S.C. Benz, T.C. Goldstein, S. Ng, W.J. Gibb, N.J. Wang, S. Ziyad, F. Tong, and 33 more authors
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Feb 2012
  32. Tests multiples en génomique
    Pierre Neuvial
    La gazette des mathématiciens, Oct 2011
  33. Parent-specific copy number in paired tumor-normal studies using circular binary segmentation
    Adam B Olshen, Henrik BengtssonPierre Neuvial, Paul T Spellman, Richard A Olshen, and Venkatraman E Seshan
    Bioinformatics, Aug 2011
  34. Integrated Genomic Analyses of Ovarian Carcinoma
    The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network
    Nature, Jun 2011
  35. Identification of a CpG Island Methylator Phenotype that Defines a Distinct Subgroup of Glioma
    Houtan Noushmehr, Daniel J Weisenberger, Kristin Diefes, Heidi S Phillips, Kanan Pujara, Benjamin P Berman, Fei Pan, Christopher E Pelloski, Erik P Sulman, Krishna P Bhat, and 18 more authors
    Cancer Cell, Apr 2010
  36. TumorBoost: Normalization of allele-specific tumor copy numbers from a single pair of tumor-normal genotyping microarrays
    Henrik BengtssonPierre Neuvial, and Terence P Speed
    BMC Bioinformatics, Apr 2010
  37. Problématiques statistiques à l’heure de la post-génomique
    Pierre Neuvial, and Pierre-Yves Bourguignon
    Variances, Feb 2009
  38. Asymptotic properties of false discovery rate controlling procedures under independence
    Pierre Neuvial
    Electron. J. Statist., Feb 2008
    With corrigendum in EJS 2009(3):1083
  39. Corrigendum to ’Asymptotic properties of false discovery rate controlling procedures under independence’
    Pierre Neuvial
    Electron. J. Statist., Feb 2009
  40. High-resolution mapping of DNA breakpoints to define true recurrences among ipsilateral breast cancers.
    Marc A Bollet, Nicolas Servant, Pierre Neuvial, Charles Decraene, Ingrid Lebigot, Jean-Philippe Meyniel, Yann De Rycke, Alexia Savignoni, Guillem Rigaill, Philippe Hupé, and 4 more authors
    J Natl Cancer Inst, Feb 2008
  41. LICORN: LearnIng COoperative Regulation Networks
    Mohamed Elati, Pierre Neuvial, Monique Bolotin-Fukuhara, Emmanuel Barillot, François Radvanyi, and Céine Rouveirol
    Bioinformatics, Feb 2007
  42. VAMP: visualization and analysis of array-CGH, transcriptome and other molecular profiles.
    Philippe La Rosa, Eric Viara, Philippe Hupé, Gaëlle Pierron, Stéphane Liva, Pierre Neuvial, Isabel Brito, Séverine Lair, Nicolas Servant, Nicolas Robine, and 12 more authors
    Bioinformatics, Sep 2006
  43. CAPweb: a bioinformatics CGH array Analysis Platform.
    Stéphane Liva, Philippe Hupé, Pierre Neuvial, Isabel Brito, Eric Viara, Philippe La Rosa, and Emmanuel Barillot
    Nucleic Acids Res, Jul 2006
  44. Spatial normalization of array-CGH data.
    Pierre Neuvial, Philippe Hupé, Isabel Brito, Stéphane Liva, Elodie Manié, Caroline Brennetot, François Radvanyi, Alain Aurias, and Emmanuel Barillot
    BMC Bioinformatics, May 2006

Book chapters

  1. Statistical analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism microarrays in cancer studies
    Pierre NeuvialHenrik Bengtsson, and Terence P Speed
    In Handbook of Statistical Bioinformatics, 2011
  2. On agnostic post hoc approaches to false positive control
    Gilles BlanchardPierre Neuvial, and Etienne Roquain
    In Handbook of Multiple Comparisons, Nov 2021

Popular science (in French)

  1. Comprendre l’organisation spatiale de l’ADN à l’aide de la statistique
    Pierre NeuvialSylvain Foissac, and Nathalie Vialaneix
    Contribution à un ouvrage collectif édité par la MITI du CNRS
  2. Vers une médecine personnalisée grâce à la recherche en génomique
    Pierre Neuvial
    Variances, Oct 2013
  3. Tests multiples en génomique
    Pierre Neuvial
    La gazette des mathématiciens, Oct 2011
  4. Problématiques statistiques à l’heure de la post-génomique
    Pierre Neuvial, and Pierre-Yves Bourguignon
    Variances, Feb 2009

Technical reports and theses

  1. HDR
    Contributions to statistical inference from genomic data
    Pierre Neuvial
  2. PhD
    Contributions à l’analyse statistique des données de puces à ADN
    Pierre Neuvial
    Institut Curie et Université Paris VII (France), 2008
  3. M.Sc.
    Analyse statistique du lien entre les plages homogènes de séquences d’ADN de différentes bactéries
    Erwan Hauvuy, Benjamin Lebrave, and Pierre Neuvial
    ENSAE Paristech et Université Paris Diderot, 2003
  4. A Model of Prepayment for the French Residential Loan Market
    Romuald Elie, Antoine Frachot, Pierre Georges, and Pierre Neuvial